With ActiveRecord, you can also nest the: include option, but only one level deep. 通过ActiveRecord,还可以嵌套:include选项,但嵌套深度只有一级。
By using a Local map or a Submap, you will be able to nest the details of the mapping inside a child transform leaving less clutter and confusion at the root level of your mapping file. 通过使用Localmap或Submap,将能够把映射的细节嵌套在子级转换中,从而减少映射文件根级别的混乱和混淆。
It allows you to nest mappings for complex types so that the top level mapping does not become cluttered with too much detail. 它允许您为复杂类型嵌套映射,这样顶级映射就不会因为大量的细节变得散乱。
You can also nest subflows as well as promote internal subflow properties to the level of the parent flow, allowing dynamic control of subflow processing. 还可以嵌套子流并将内部子流属性提升到父流的高度,允许动态控制子流处理。
Conclusion FQ-PCR technique and nest PCR could be applied in exploring the level of integrin, and the method is simple, sensitive and accurate. 结论应用荧光定量和巢式PCR方法可对细胞内整合素进行较准确的测定,方法简便且敏感。
Till 6 passages, those colonies demonstrated nest like morphology, high level AKP activity and expressed antigens SSEA 1, SSEA 3, SSEA 4, TRA 1 60 and TRA 1 81. At the same time they differentiated spontaneously into several types of cells. 传至6代后,细胞集落呈典型的鸟巢状,碱性磷酸酶检测呈阳性,表达SSEA1,SSEA3,SSEA4,TRA160和TRA181抗原,同时在体外能自发分化为多种细胞。
The influencing factors of quality of life of the empty nest elderly were age, education level, self-perceived subjective economic, loneliness, physical exercise, sleep, positive coping style, depression, relationship with children and social total support scores. 影响乌鲁木齐地区空巢老人生活质量的主要因素包括:年龄、文化程度、主观经济自评、孤独感、体育锻炼、睡眠情况、积极应对、抑郁程度、与子女关系及社会支持总分。
Found: ( 1) empty nest households in rural areas on the emotional support needs of the elderly in general is not high level, the reason is in rural areas, respondents perceived less emotional support, lack of emotional support sense. 研究发现:(1)农村空巢家庭中老年人对情感支持的需求程度普遍不高,表明在农村,被调查者所感受到的情感支持较少,并且自身也缺乏情感支持意识。